
All children between 6 and 18 years of age are required to attend school everyday and on time per the Education Code of California. You are responsible for your child's attendance. Please follow these procedures when your child is ill or has a medical appointment.

When reporting an absence please call the Attendance Office at (619) 860-5900 Option 1. Please let us know the following:

  • Your child's name (spelled out) and their room number
  • Relationship to the child
  • How long they will be out for (please include the dates)
  • The nature of the illness or appointment
If your certain situations that would cause your child to miss more than five days, contact the teacher or office about a short-term Contract Independent Study. Teachers need at Minimum 5 business days ADVANCE NOTICE IN ORDER TO PREPARE SCHOOL WORK FOR THE STUDENT. Students must report to the office to obtain re-admission before returning to class. All work must be completed and turned into the teacher when the student returns to school.


School starts at 7:45 a.m. Students are considered tardy if they are not in their classroom by 7:50 a.m.
  • If student is late, a tardy slip is required from the school office.

Students are expected to attend school every day. Children who miss school miss out on opportunities to learn, build lasting friendships, and develop the skills and attitudes needed to become good citizens and valued employees. There is a clear connection between student attendance and student performance in school. This is especially true for English Learners in terms of their gains on the English Language Arts (ELA) and mathematics portions of the California Standards Tests (CST).

Student absences also affect school budgets. Schools and school districts get a significant amount of their funding based upon the number of students who actually attend school each day. This is called Average Daily Attendance (ADA). Potential losses in ADA revenue affect all students because they can lead to budget cuts affecting a variety of programs, as well as individual schools. To learn more, visit the district's Calculating ADA page.

Early Dismissal (Blue Slip):

619-860-5900 option 1

Please schedule appointments during non-school hours if possible. In the event where you need to pick up your student early, the parent/guardian must call ahead or send a note with the child to request a blue slip at the beginning of the school day.

Blue slips are required if the parent/guardian takes a child off campus before school dismissal time.

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