Student Health

Health Office

Office Hours: 7:20 am-2:20 pm, M/T/Th/F and 7:20 am-12:20 pm Wednesday

Health Technician: Kirsten Sturrock

(619) 860-5900 ext. 3050 | [email protected]


Nurse: Amy Ayon (onsite Tuesdays)

(619) 860-5900 ext. 3050 | [email protected] 

Dailard has a Health Technician to take care of first aid and emergencies. In case of student illness at school, the Health Technician will notify parents/guardians or the emergency contact listed on the enrollment form.

Health Resources

Keeping Everyone Healthy

Please keep your student home if they do not feel well or is sick. If you have any questions, please contact the health office.

If your child has any of the following symptoms or conditions, please do not send them to school.

  • Fever of 100.5 F or more
    • Student may return to school if fever-free the preceding evening/night without the help of medicine (e.g. Tyenol, Motrin)
  • Cough and difficulty breathing
  • Rash that is undiagnosed
  • Chicken Pox
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Impetigo
  • Ringwork
    • Keep home until treatment is started. If there is an exposed area upon return, cover the area with dress and/or clothing
  • Cold sores
    • Cold sores can only be passed through direct contact. Children who drool or place toys in their mouths when they have cold sores should stay home
  • Antibiotics
    • Children who are placed on antibiotics for impetigo, strep throat and several other bacterial infections should be on them for a full 24 hours before returning to school to prevent the spread of those infections
  • Lice
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